The vault final was the perfect conclusion to my participation as a judge.

This apparatus, known for the power and speed it demands, showcased gymnasts performing some of the most difficult and spectacular vaults I’ve ever seen.

The responsibility as a judge in this final was immense, as every tenth of a point could determine whether an athlete earned a medal or missed the podium.

Precision in execution and accurate assessment of difficulty were critical aspects of my role.

It was incredible to witness how, despite the accumulated fatigue, the gymnasts maintained such a high level of performance and, above all, embraced the challenge of competing in the Olympic Games.
Invitation to Read Another Entry: "For a deeper look into my role as a judge at the Olympic Games, read my final reflections on the responsibility of judging with objectivity."
Author: Arturo Padilla
Edited by: Coach Emilio
Sponsored by: Escuela del Sur
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